Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cinderella Liberty

I used to wake up some days, and wish I'd stayed asleep, 'cause I went to bed on top of the world, but today the world's on top of me.

In the words of Bern Nadette Stanis playing Thelma Evans-Anderson, "The world goes on, whether you're sitting on top of it, or stretched out underneath it."

A month ago I was filling out the forms to withdraw from this semester. Today I get my requested progress reports back, and so far I have all A's. I also just picked up two, yes two, half-semester courses that I know I'm going to ace. Six Michigan classes. Six possible Michigan A's. I'm a prodigy.

I'm more than a conqueror.

I feel as though I'm falling in love with myself, and with life. That feeling when you're first falling in love, when you're so excited to see that person's face, when you feel so happy when they're around, that's how I feel about myself and my life. Every morning is a good morning, every night is a good night. I'm in love. I've loved before, and I've lost. But I cannot afford to lose this time. So I won't.

This new guy intrigues me just a bit. He's definitely the type of guy who's used to having the upper-hand, who's used to girls riding him, but I'm not that type of girl. He's vowed to not call me for three days because he's upset that I never call him, or text him first. Oops? I just like for guys to prove to me that they're genuinely interested before I show any interest. He's supposed to be coming up on Friday, we'll see just how interested interested is. (:

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