Monday, August 24, 2009

Lock and Key

Raise your glasses as I'd like to extend congratulations to Constance-Marie C. James for one full year of abstinence. You go girl!

The first question I was asked was, "Was it hard?" Not particularly. I find it more difficult to disrespect myself, subject my body to possible harm, and intimately share myself with someone who is much less than deserving.

I don't allow my primitive urges to drive my life, and I don't do hook-ups. I've only had intercourse with one person in my life, and that was a decision that I made, not a situation I found myself in. I'd like all my future encounters to happen under the same level consideration.

And they will. I don't understand the 'it just happened' theory. I don't subscribe to the "whatever happens, happens" line of action. I might be the last of a dying breed, but I still think sex is a big deal. I still think that when you have sex with someone, a small part of that person remains with you forever. I still think sex is the highest form of intimacy you could ever experience with someone else. I don't think it's just about physical pleasure, and I don't think making reckless and short-sighted decisions is something that's inherent to being a teenager and should be accepted as so. Unless you plan on dying immediately after your years as a young adult, which I do not, decisions you make now are ones that will live within you for the rest of your life. I'd like to be as proud of my decisions as I possibly can.

And I am.

(I won't pretend that I can take all the credit, though. I did get to a point where I was willing to sleep with someone, but due to extenuating circumstances, did not. I think that was God and the universe telling me that it just wasn't the time. So thank You.)

Here's to another year?


  1. Aside from the parenthetical paragraph, this is one of the pimpest shits ive read. good shit.

  2. Yes!! Yes!! Yes!! Good for you!

    Sex IS the highest form of intimacy! I believe that as well. :) I understand what you mean about being a dying breed with this opinion. I don't get down with the whole casual thing. I don't think marriage is necessary for it, but actual love, trust, exclusivity are. One's sexuality is a beautiful thing, but in your lifetime I feel like it should only be shared with the person or few persons that actually deserved and could understand the importance of seeing and experiencing that part of you.

    Thumbs up, gal. :)

  3. Ohhhh hush, Luke.

    Thank you, Syd! [=

  4. Whoot Whoot! I totally feel you. I'm about to undergo some big changes and that includes one of them! Your a great inspiration especially with you personality being so close to mine. I feel like this is going to be a big year for a lot of people. So have a great year!
